Tuesday, June 29, 2004

YoLinux Tutorial: Linux System Administration

YoLinux Tutorial: Linux System Administration

Monday, June 28, 2004

Imagemagik command line



Thursday, June 24, 2004

some useful examples

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

hand and eye care


it helps u remind that u should take breaks in between sitting on the comp for too long..

find dir -name '*.tif' -print | xargs -P 2 -n 1 mogrify -format png

conversiuon is now twice fast if SMP of 2 procs.

rm -f conversion && tree -fi | grep .tif | awk -F. '{print

> "convert@@@."$2"."$3"@@@png:."$2".png"}' | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g' | sed -e

> 's/@@@/ /g' | sed -e 's/(/\\(/g' | sed -e 's/)/\\)/g' > conversion &&

> chmod 755 conversion && conversion && rm -f conversion=20


> Actually, it works, but I am surprised I had to build this command in

> order to apply "convert" to files in a tree. I went through the whole

> archive of this list, and the topic never surfaced. Am I missing

> something, or is directory recursion something that should be added to

> the imagemagick commands ?


> Explanation of the script :

> - "rm -f conversion" : erases any existing temporary file.

> - "&&" means "execute the following command if the preceding one

> finished successfully".

> - "tree -fi" : prints all the files in the directory with full path.

> - "| grep .tif" : from the output of the preceding command, filter only

> the ones containing ".tif"

> - "| awk -F. '{print "convert@@@."$2"."$3"@@@png:."$2".png"}'" : using

> the output of the preceding command, write the actual command such as

> "convert file.tif png:file.png".

> - The bunch of sed commands are there because the awk blurb actually

> does not produce the desired output and it must be massaged a bit.

> - "> conversion" dumps the resulting command lines in a temporary file.

> - "chmod 755 conversion && conversion && rm -f conversion" makes the

> temporary file executable, executes it and then deletes it.

* Previous message:

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


How to get rid of ^M in text files using vi.

:1,$ s'^M''g

But how to get this '^M' in the command line:

Keep CTRL pressed and then press v and m

Sunday, June 20, 2004

resize images in batch mode

mogrify -resize 800x600 *.jpg

will resize all jpg images in a directory to 800x600 pixel

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Linux News: Open Source: Putting Linux on the Desktop

Linux News: Open Source: Putting Linux on the Desktop

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Its a 2-way rsync kind of utility the prompts when both files have changes in the time compared to their earlier version.